Friday, October 11, 2019

Toxic Water

Turn the tap on and drink a glass of water. Does it taste funny? Is it clear? The water you are drinking may be toxic without any such indicators. Water is all around us; it is essential for life. Over two thirds of earth’s surface is covered by water, ___________________but everyone only wants and need clean water. Each year, water pollution increases and continues to be responsible for harming our environment. According to Duhigg (2009) of the New York Times, more than 100 wells were polluted by agricultural runoff within a few month time period, affecting livestock such as pigs and cows (n. . ). Water pollution is a silent and deadly pollution – bacterium can be tasteless, colorless, and scentless. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (2009) says that the United States has the safest water supplies in the world, but states that when water sources became contaminated, they can easily cause widespread sickness and disease from waterborne germs including Cryptosporidium, E. coli, Hepatitis A. , Giardia intestinalis, and other pathogens. Despite progress reducing water pollution from the largest sources, our country still faces serious pollution challenges. Violations are still too widespread, and enforcement too uneven. We need to do better controlling pollution. Water pollution can occur through natural process, but many times water pollution is mostly a result of human activities. Water is used every day in our homes and industries; the average of water use in the United States is approximately about 100 gallons per day per person. The water we use and drink is taken from lakes, rivers, and wells and from underground (groundwater); and after we have used and contaminated it, most of it returns to these locations (DES, n. d. , p. 1). Everyone must be aware of pollution in order to avoid it. Despite the efforts to decrease water pollution, the USA continues to faces a serious pollution challenges (US Environmental, 2009, n. p. ) Pollution is all around us; no one is safe, therefore the federal and state government and especially the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) must reinforce the rules and to prohibit pollution and to protect public health. Through this paper I will be addressing the followings: 1. How do people know if water is safe? 2. Who is responsible for ensuring water is safe? 3. What are the effects of consuming toxic water? . How can people protect their families from toxic water? How do people know if water is safe? Is your drinking water safe? The CDC and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), reports that people getting sick from drinking tap water is unusual (Dean, 2009, n. p. ). The EPA states that â€Å"the Unite States enjoys one of the best supplies of drinking water in the worldâ₠¬  (2003, p. 1). Over the years many people did not worry about their quality of water, the EPA assures that tap water in the USA meets the federal and state standards ( 2003, p. 1). In the other hand, Who is responsible for ensuring water is safe? Congress Passed a law in 1974 to protect public health by regulating the nation’s public drinking water supply and protecting sources of drinking water what is called the Safe drinking water Act (SDWA) (EPA, 2003, p. 2). The EPA is responsible for regulate What are the effects of consuming toxic water? According to Monroe County Department of Environmental Services (DES), â€Å"Some major types of water pollution include microbiological, chemical, oxygen depletion, nutrients, and suspended matter (n. d. p. 2). Microbiological: Disease-causing (pathogenic) microorganisms, like bacteria, viruses and protozoa can cause swimmer to get sick. People who eat contaminated fish and shellfish can become ill. Some serious diseases that are waterborne are polio and cholera (DES, n. d. p. 2). Chemical: There are many varieties of chemicals from industries, such as metal and solvent, and even chemicals which are formed from the breakdown of natural wastes (i. e. ammonia) poisoning fish and other aquatic life and polluting water. (DES, n. d. p. 2). DES states that â€Å"Pesticides used in agriculture and around the home are other types of toxic chemicals† (n. d. p. 2). Other material such as detergent foam and oils float that have water ody, many times offensive odors, these chemical are responsible for making rivers caught on fire. Do to the chemical wastes many times flammable, the Cuyahoga River, Ohio, caught fire (n. d. p. 2), so what are people drinking? Oxygen-depleting Substances: Nutrients: How can people protect their families from toxic water? Conclusion â€Å"To keep this used water from spoiling our water resou rces, pollutants must removed from the water before its discharged back into the environment† (DES, n. d. p. 4). To improve water quality state and federal water program must be enforced to address serious new threats (EPA, 2009, p. 6).

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